Friday, January 29, 2010

pulling my hair out

Well, Life has been absolutly crazy lately. Zaylei has had a really hard time with Matt working long hours. She has been refusing to sleep in her bed. She got a new princess bed for christmas and hated it. Wanted her baby bed back. I finally gave in and put it back up. I thought, fine, at least i will get some sleep. HA, No WAY. Screaming bloody murder at much she puked. Yep. I thought I was going to go insane. So we tried everything...rocking, yelling, threats...nothing worked...NOTHING. So all of a sudden one day Zaylei says she wants to be a mermaid like Dora. She asks me if she has a mermaid outfit..."no" i say, so she ask me to get her one. So the bribe of a mermaid outfit has stopped the fits. Every night we go to bed, I say no crying if you want a mermaid outfit, and she lays down happily and goes to sleep. What is that about??? Hey, who cares, whatever works at this point. I needed some sanity back. Tonight she told me she wanted a Belle, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella outfit. Now I have leverage for a while. One outfit at a time. If you ever said you won't bribe your kid....Just wait. You will. I'm not proud of it, but I am well rested and functioning at work so life is good. Thank you Dora Mermaid.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back to Blogging

Well, I haven't been blogging lately but I plan to return to it. Today I have spent some time reading some of my favorite blogs. Other than a few of my friends the following are ones I really like.